7/11/10 Beet Juice #2

Cooking beets for my salad: Trader Joe's herb salad, two scoops of chicken salad from Pavillions, drizzled a little Ken's Raspberry Walnut Lite Dressing. It's covered with Saran Wrap so the fruit flies don't get at it. It needs to be room temperature so my teeth don't hurt so much when I chew. The pink ...

Versace ad

As I was painting yesterday, I thought to design an ad for a great fashion icon for my portfolio. Versace came to mind. For the background, I used my painting from 6/28/10. The curves of the rings leads your eye to the logo.

6/25/10 Waterline

My stomach is fed. The dishes are done and I'm ready to get back into painting. It feels like a scene underwater, below the waterline of a ship.

6/24/10 Tornado

In Jackson Pollock’s biography by Deborah Solomon, a classmate said this of Jackson: he is “an immature person with fancy ideas but no discipline.” Pollock felt “frightened and bored” by people. “To Jackson, his father was more vivid as an absence than as a presence, leaving him with a fierce need to find someone or ...

Creativity can solve anything

“Creativity can solve anything.” George Lois in the film “Art & Copy.” The right side of my face has been feeling weird lately. There’s been an uncomfortable pressing sensation in my bones. What am I trying to overcome? Painting helps me get rid of things that don’t belong. I can’t change what happened but I can ...

6/6/10 Grappa

Sunday 6/6/10 9:30 am My stomach is still not feeling well. A friend once told me that grappa is used to setting your stomach after eating too much. So, I took a couple of drips of Tony’s grappa (Tony is my ninety-two year old godfather who makes his own 140 proof grappa). I want to ...

6/4/10: Quad

Friday 6/4/10 4:30 pm In the same way the physical body is connected to our emotional body, writing is connected to painting and if you can write you can also paint. The type of painting I’m referring to is expressive painting, where you let your brush become an outlet for your emotions. Writing in a journal, pouring ...


Symbols have been showing up in my paintings. While I was working on this painting, this symbol came to mind. I have no idea what it means. I used the green base titled, “Money 2008” and added Payne’s gray, super pearl gold, and super pearl white, aka by me as wedding dress white. Started watching Bones, ...

5/18/10 10pm

My painting is in beet juice red, grass green, and metallic wedding white. After the first layer was dry, I thought to add light yellow. As I'm blending the contrasting colors, that stirring in the core of my stomach starts vibrating. My tingling stomach means something good is happening, that the colors I am using ...

5/14/10: My Guardian Angel

When I started this painting, I was just pushing the paint around and this image appeared of a woman and child. It represents Arlene, the mom of my lifelong childhood friend, who I refer to as my second mom. She was my guardian angel while growing up on Helenbrook. She took me under her ...