Invisible Gestures

Oct. 5, 2010 While the paint is drying, and since there hasn't been a moment to write ab..... the phone interrupted me. The final layer of paint is still drying. Then, I will add paint pen line work. This was the second gestural painting I did for my UCLA class. Painting it felt good.


9/21/10 Spur of the moment abstract art class was good last night. Layer 3 looks done but I kept painting. Notes from class: flat planes that overlap value, interlocking, come up in stages, same depth, contrast, edges, relationships between forms, edges: sharp or painterly, balance, sense of gravity, look for opportunities to define a space between forms, ...


Wed. 9/8/10 Started a painting but didn't write. I remember what I was thinking while working on this. The pose was casual for a woman. Her legs were comfortable and she wanted to give away what she was holding. Sun. 9/12/10 Didn't paint yesterday, even though I had everything set up. It just doesn't flow when I'm not ...


8/15/10 The base started in Payne's Gray looks like an eye. During an art class at UCLA Extension a few years ago, I had an eye in my painting and the teacher said it's typical of a beginner artist to put an eye in her work, as if she was trying to see herself. A woman ...

The Rose Angel

8/14/10 Started this painting with a light pink and green base. The words Rose Angel came to mind. It's perfect weather here: a slight cool breeze, enough to wear a sweatshirt. I hear a new bird chirping interrupted by the truck beeping, airplane flying overhead, car whizzing by followed by a motorcycle. Then I hear the ...


8/9/10 I am healing family relationships within me. I have come to accept that it is difficult for people to see eye to eye, especially in family interactions. There are many dynamics going on inside others that when you confront a family member about how you have been feeling, it may backfire. When you deal with ...

Guardian Angel

8/9/10 I'm having to be positive, polite, courteous, tolerant, clean, frugal, creative, adventurous, content, helpful, resourceful. Every chance I have an hour or two I paint. I could fall asleep right now but I want to draw on my painting. The weirdest ring tone keeps going on and on. I'm moving ahead, getting things done. I'm ...

8/5/10 1pm Envy

Now I’m ready for a new painting. I want to work on envy. I had very little paint left. I may use Payne’s Gray as a base with white metallic areas. People are envious because they want what others have. I bit my sister when I was three, hard enough to make her bleed. Boy did ...

7/30/10 Sold

Art Lesson: 1. Pick a color for the background. You can mix similar colors to achieve the tone you are looking for. The colors will just come to you. Spread out the colors with water. You may fill in the whole surface or leave some white areas. Let that background color dry completely. 2. Using paint, markers ...

7/29/10 Latte

Roy just got home and he’s making himself a latte. I can’t have them anymore; they really bother my stomach. So, I’m starting a new painting to use up the paints in the palette. All sorts of thoughts came up while painting. 2pm Just got home from Dr. Graff-Radford. He gave me lots of exercises to do, ...