Scarred Art Exhibit

Saturday morning, after a walk in the rain, I went to the Brewery Art Walk to meet up with the LA Art and Museum Meetup Group. My first time connecting with this varied crowd of art enthusiasts. One artist's work stood out by far. Ted Meyer painted on paper with bright colored gauche. Obscure textures ...

Abstract art touches our Spirit

Last Sunday, at my group art show "From Within," I was touched to have friends and family attend the opening reception. My sister and two nieces came up from Orange County, and other friends from the area stopped by to support me, all of whom I was so humbled to see. As I walked around the ...

Silent Ether

The ether is an invisible medium for light waves and other forms of radiant energy. It is the invisible spirit, the cosmic vastness of the unseen. In this painting, I saw my art as healing in the ether, beyond this world's mechanisms, beyond what I can understand and beyond what I can describe. Healing through ...

Questions Answered

A couple I know was in a severe car accident eight weeks ago. The man suffered broken ribs and a badly bruised shoulder. The woman was rushed to the USC Trauma Center where the surgeon added pins and two rods to her spine. She is still recuperating  with physical therapy, she wears a body brace ...

Blue Green Vibrations

Blue green blurbs and swirls of positive vibrations cover the first layer of my painting while I repeat a mantra to infuse uplifting energy into my work. This painting started with faltering feelings of drowning in self-doubt, questioning my words. I am supposed to be positive to attract what I desire but the boxing match ...

Connecting to Our Source

What is Source? Some of us call it God, some call it the Universe or the Collective Wisdom. Whatever name we use, it is all that is true and good. It knows what is best for us. It guides us in the correct direction and helps us make the best decisions. It also helps us ...


While waking up Monday morning, I wanted to explore my being unsettled in my home. It's been a year since my last move and I am still uncomfortable. Maybe a lack of good organization is affecting me. Maybe it's because this is my 18th residence. Painting could help. With thinned out cerulean blue, I painted ...

Congenital Behaviors

See Video: This painting began with azure blue counter-clockwise circles representing the pure spirit in the mother's womb. Before birth, your nature was affected by outside behavior and words. Energy vibrates up your body like waves or a piston pushing good energy up and pulling bad energy out. Comfort yourself through your paintings. And find ...

Passion and Comfort

11/11/11  11 am Sitting before a white sheet of paper on a pivotal day, metallic emerald and metallic ruby came to mind. My ear flutters inside my ear drum as I look through my jewelry supplies to find green and pink crystals to make a ring to match my painting. Video of my process is here: ...