Connecting to Our Source

What is Source? Some of us call it God, some call it the Universe or the Collective Wisdom. Whatever name we use, it is all that is true and good. It knows what is best for us. It guides us in the correct direction and helps us make the best decisions. It also helps us ...

Put a paintbrush in hand

With a brush in hand and colors in our palette, we won't want anything else to hold. That glass of alcohol won't quench our thirst, that charge card we hand over to the store clerk won't deliver, and that bag of potato chips or plate of cookies won't fill us up. Holding a paintbrush takes ...


While waking up Monday morning, I wanted to explore my being unsettled in my home. It's been a year since my last move and I am still uncomfortable. Maybe a lack of good organization is affecting me. Maybe it's because this is my 18th residence. Painting could help. With thinned out cerulean blue, I painted ...

Looking for that unique gift?

Are you wondering what to give that special someone this holiday season? An art workshop makes the perfect gift. Here are the details: Awaken Your Artist Within workshop Bring painting back into your life for creative expression and therapeutic benefits. Discover a tremendous sense of personal transformation and healing by expressing feelings, thoughts, and ideas with an interchange ...

Congenital Behaviors

See Video: This painting began with azure blue counter-clockwise circles representing the pure spirit in the mother's womb. Before birth, your nature was affected by outside behavior and words. Energy vibrates up your body like waves or a piston pushing good energy up and pulling bad energy out. Comfort yourself through your paintings. And find ...

Medusa of Weeds

A remnant of weeds are left after weeks of digging through a patch of grass. The 25' x 7' block of what used to be grass is full of thick, twisted shoots, some reaching 18" into the ground. I had to dig so deep to find the end of the shoot, otherwise those weeds would ...

Passion and Comfort

11/11/11  11 am Sitting before a white sheet of paper on a pivotal day, metallic emerald and metallic ruby came to mind. My ear flutters inside my ear drum as I look through my jewelry supplies to find green and pink crystals to make a ring to match my painting. Video of my process is here: ...

Butterfly Transformation

Upon entering the eighty degree greenhouse of the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls, Ontario, hundreds of wings whisked by our faces. Their endless movements challenged me to chase them down, snapping my camera to record their colorful marks. Nature transformed brown furry shells into striking color patterns. It's the species I most relate to because of their ...

Art Show at CCAA Museum of Art

Yesterday, over 150 guests gathered at the reception to see the artwork and hear how Daniel Foster selected the Best of Show, along with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Mr. Foster, former director of the Riverside Art Museum, talked about composition, technical skill, and that an artist could excel at both of these qualities, ...

Meetup Groups born from 9/11

As a member of two Meetup Groups, it was interesting to hear that the concept began from 9/11 to grow local communities. This email has the story. Fellow Meetuppers, I don't write to our whole community often, but this week is special because it's the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and many people don't know that Meetup is ...